Latest Nibiru, Planet X 2016 Coordinates & Mile Long Asteroid Spotted, Close to Earth Orbit

***Various Footage from around the World of incredible Sky Anomalies is presented starting at the 27 minute mark.

Scott is founder of YouTube Channel Nibiru Planet X 2016
He is a former Advertising Executive that now has over 30,000 astute subscribers and many of them send in video footage, pictures, white papers and various data pointing to Planet X aka Nibiru.
Scott tells us where to point a Telescope and where you can see Planet X with the naked eye.
We also look at several images taken from different people around the world of what could be Enormous Satellites that many believe are used to simulate the Suns light.
He also shares with us images of an asteroid he says is nearly a mile long close to the earth.
Various footage of what looks like Gigantic Spaceships that look similar to the Anunnaki Symbols from Ancient Summeria.
Make sure to watch the second part of the podcast a little over an hour into the presentation, because you will see one of my personal favorites of “Stereo behind COR1 Video Footage” , that clearly looks like a very large planet traveling around the Sun in a very strange and fast orbit.

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Podcast Comments

  1. I cant believe it. Ive seen this every clear night for a while now and as soon as it it clear I will video it and send it to you

    1. Fantastic, thank you!

  2. Hey there , you mention one of your followers is from alberta canada, im from alberta and am trying to find likeminded people interested in tracking and following planet x , is there an email i can send to the leak project for finding out more info and possibly who to contact? Thnx

  3. At sunset over the lake Paprocany (PL) show a 3 UFO on the side of the south – eastern Heaven and hang sunrise !

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