Secret Societies access to All Computer Systems Exposed. Cyber Security Expert – Charles R. Smith

Almost Everything today is connected to the Grid, Nuclear Reactors, Satellites, GPS, Phones, Computers, Business Records, Monetary Systems, Traffic Lights, Defense Secrets, Corporate Patents, Next Generation Technologies to name a few. What would happen if we had a Real Life “Mr Robot scenario? For those that haven’t seen MR Robot, its essentially a storyline of a very smart group of hackers that take down the Global Markets all from the a small abandoned video arcade center.
Chris tells us how most Nuclear Power Plants run off an outdated modified version of Windows 95 software. So does the Trident Nuclear Missile Systems. Mr Smith also discusses a backdoor encoded in nearly all computer systems around the country in nearly every area of Cyberspace. This backdoor has been accessed by an unknown source multiple times. Who could it be?
Imagine Countries like China, Russia, North Korea and others using their resources and knowledge to hack Americas Energy Grids, What if a Stuxnet type Virus infected our Reactors here at home
Certainly there have been many breaches of security like the recent OPM database of over 22 million people and high security files assoiated with the government.

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