Image of Egyptian High Priest’s Daughter Likened to Marge Simpson

After is discovery in 2023, Reddit readers have just picked up on the depiction of a character resembling Marge Simpson on the inner lid of a 3,500-year-old Egyptian sarcophagus. The coffin, belonging to Tadi Ist, the daughter of a high priest in El-Ashmunein, features a yellow-skinned woman in a long green garment with blue hair shaped in a rectangular style, strikingly similar to the iconic character from the popular TV show “The Simpsons.” 

This fairly accurate comparison, was first shared on Reddit, sparking excitement and humor among users. Many commented on the uncanny resemblance and joked about the possibility that “Egypt predicted ‘The Simpsons.'” While the depiction’s resemblance to Marge Simpson is fascinating, experts believe it more likely represents Tadi Ist herself, portrayed as she journeys to the afterlife. 

Dr. Mustafa Waziri, revealing the wooden coffin

Dr. Mustafa Waziri, revealing the wooden coffin, depicting “Ta Djesa,” the daughter of a high priest of Jehuty in Ashmunein, which is deemed to look very much like Marge Simpson. (Ministry of Antiquities) 

The Coffin and Its Significance 

The sarcophagus of Tadi Ist was discovered in early 2023 in Minya, approximately 27 miles (44 km) south of El-Ashmunein. Professor Ghada Shalaby, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Dr. Mohamed Abu Zeid, Deputy Governor of Minya, announced the discovery of the cemetery, which was full of the tombs of high-ranking officials, powerful

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