2024-12-05We Found The Lost Records of The Ancient Ones We Found The Lost Records of The Ancient Ones... [...]Read...
2024-09-25We Discovered an Entire Lost City & Hidden Cave in the Desert, w/ Artifacts “Look” We Discovered an Entire Lost City & Hidden Cave in...
2023-12-13The Hatchery! “The Strangest Place on Earth” The Hatchery! "The Strangest Place on Earth"... [...]Read More... from...
2022-12-26I Found a Massive Starfort in the Middle of the Desert in New Mexico, Epic footage and discussion with a Geologist as we uncover these incredible structures of antiquity I Found a Massive Starfort in the Middle of the...
2022-12-11UFOs Fly Into this Mesa During The Daytime UFOs Fly Into this Mesa During The Daytime... [...]Read More......
2022-11-30Ive NEVER seen The River This Dry, Midwest Ive NEVER seen The River This Dry, Midwest... [...]Read More......
2022-10-06I Found Something, What Is This? I Found Something, What Is This? [...]Read More... from I...
2022-10-06Secret Location, Alien Base Quest Secret Location, Alien Base Quest... [...]Read More... from Secret Location,...
2022-09-12Expert Says We Capture Best UFO Footage Ever, Outside Crash Site, New Mexico, Latest Expert Says We Capture Best UFO Footage Ever, Outside Crash...
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Travel Videos We Discovered an Entire Lost City & Hidden Cave in the Desert, w/ Artifacts “Look”2024-09-25
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Bob Kudla Civil War in 2024? Political Insanity, Trumps Supreme Court Battle to Stay on the Ballots, More, Bob Kudla2024-01-05