8 Famous Phalluses from History and What They Represent

When it comes to phalluses, a lot of people think it’s the size that matters. Others think it’s how the phallus is used. But any archaeologist or historian worth their salt knows the truth, it’s the historical context behind the phallus that is most important. It might seem like a crude topic, but the fact is history is full of d**ks. From ritual artifacts and fertility symbols to profane graffiti and sex toys our ancient ancestors were just as obsessed with the male anatomy as people are today. Here we have a rundown of eight interesting phalluses from throughout human history and what they represent. And no, it wasn’t all about sex.

1.Hohle Fels Phallus – An Old German Penis

We start our list with one of the earliest representations of male sexuality ever discovered. The Hohle Fels phallus is a 28-centimeter (11-in) penis-shaped object believed to be around 28,000 years old. It was found buried in Germany’s famous Hohle Fels Cave near Ulm.

What it was used for is a matter of some debate. It was intricately carved from a mammoth tusk and much workmanship appears to have gone into it. Some historians have suggested it served as a fertility symbol, used in ancient fertility rituals. This is, of course, the obvious answer. Every time an ancient phallus is found historians point to fertility rituals.

 Hohler Fels Phallus, aged about 27-30000 years. Discovered in 2004 in cave "Hohler Fels" in the Ach Valley near Schelklingen, Germany. (Hannes Wiedmann, CC BY-SA 4.0)

 Hohler Fels Phallus, aged about 27-30000 years. Discovered in 2004 in cave “Hohler Fels” in the Ach Valley near Schelklingen,…

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