Colombia Joins Mexico Publishing “Tiny-Alien” Nonsense

Only two months after scientists in Peru revealed the public had been hoaxed into believing two “dolls” were in fact alien corpses, headlines are now touting more alien-nonsense. This time, a fetus with an elongated skull found in Colombia is being associated with little green-men and ancient races. But skeptical scientists are demonstrating how the skeleton is a premature human-fetus.

Hiding Facts Until The End Is So 2000s!

The primary reason so many people fall for such ridiculous headlines, about aliens, is because some of the biggest media outlets in the world publish hyper-dramatic articles presenting tightly-woven logical fallacies. For some, the media holding back of facts until the ends of articles sets them off telling other folk that aliens have finally been found, especially when so many people these days only read headlines, and move on to the next.

The Daily Mail wrote, in bold, that “a potentially extraterrestrial fetus with signs of an umbilical cord” has been discovered in Colombia. Then, not in bold, they write “according to Josep Guijarro, a veteran public radio reporter, it could be alien or a tiny humanoid from an ancient unidentified species.”

Of course, skeptical scientists, and anyone who has read a high-school anatomy book, already know the remains belong to a stillborn-human fetus, but why let such mundane facts get in the way of a good story. So, let’s do this…

A Headlining Story Built On A Whatsapp Message

The alleged “alien” has what appears to be an…

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