Scientists Discover A Reindeer Superpower – Ruminating is a Naturally Restful Sleep Hack!

Throughout history, reindeer have woven themselves into the fabric of Arctic society, mythology and folklore. Reindeer have also found their way into popular culture, prominently featuring in the iconic tales of Santa Claus. However, a new discovery about reindeer sleep patterns adds a peculiar twist to their already intriguing history.

Reindeer’s Unique Sleeping Habits Revealed

Best known for their association with Christmas, as the trusty steeds pulling Santa’s sleigh, reindeer have been vital for indigenous cultures of the Arctic and subarctic north for millennia, including the Sami people of Northern Europe. Reindeer have evolved and adapted for their Arctic home, including thick fur for insulation, concave hooves that serve as snowshoes, nasal adaptations to warm cold air before it hits their lungs and the ability to store fat reserves to survive food-scarce winter months.  

In a surprising revelation, researchers have now uncovered another fascinating aspect of reindeer behavior related to their sleep. Published in the journal Current Biology, the study reports that reindeer exhibit a distinctive sleep pattern tied to their rumination habits. If you have no idea what rumination is, it’s the chewing and re-chewing of partially digested food, which improves nutrient absorption and aids digestion.

This reindeer rumination study has concluded that the more time reindeer spend ruminating, the less time they allocate to non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep, which is crucial to promote…

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