The Evolution of Ancient Communication Methods

Throughout history, communication wasn’t as effortless as it is today. In today’s world, you can connect with people in every part of the world within seconds and access an almost infinite amount of information via a variety of communications tools. We have multiple means of communicating, which we often take for granted. Looking back to ancient human communication methods you’ll notice just how limited communication could be, and see just how far the human race has come.

Lightning Speed of Modern Communication

You needed to learn about ancient communication methods, so you opened your preferred search engine and typed in a few words. Suddenly, you gained access to multiple sources to educate yourself, and here you are. Acquiring this information took you under a minute – a privilege one couldn’t even imagine in earlier years when there was no such thing as the internet.

A is a blessing when it comes to communicating over long distances. Before the internet and subsequent technologies, communicating with people outside your neighborhood was time-consuming and expensive, if not impossible.

So, what did day-to-day interaction and socialization look like in the past?

Ancient North American tribes used smoke signals to communicate, by Frederic Remington. (Public Domain)

Ancient North American tribes used smoke signals to communicate, by Frederic Remington. (Public Domain)

Vocal Communication

It may not come as a surprise that ‘speech’ of one sort or another was used as the first attempt at communicating among…

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