What Happens if Gas Stations Run Out? How Close is Society from Collapse? TX Fuel Shortage Updates

Hurricane Harvey, Gas Shortage, Texas, San Antonio, Hill Country and Surrounding areas. Also discussion of what happens if people can’t get gas for a few days. What happens when people can’t take money out of an ATM, what happens when groceries aren’t available? What would happen in a big city if continuation of government collapsed?
How would you create an efficient , effective, micro community that could be powerful and effective?

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Podcast Comments

  1. You’re right. The US and the UK are under siege. In the US it’s mostly gas and telecom that puts everyone at risk. It’s digital identities here in the UK. That’s what is holding up the Brexit talks. Paying for targeted identities held hostage by the EU and they can create a lot more blacklisted identities any time they want if they control the data centres, I believe they do. That is imp what the Queen was talking about recently when she said “our identities” “our satellites”.

  2. Per your comment about cops, they did worse than that to me, many times, in Canada. They are breaking the law left right and centre. There are over 500 women cops in Canada that won over 100M to shut the hell up about what they are doing, esp to women and whistleblowers, esp ex military that do not play along.

  3. You ask what is going on. In 1688 Britain won their freedom from a slave empire. They have been trying and trying to gain control again. They have wormed their way into every position of power, esp military and telecommunications, network admin and corporations, but mostly information technology. Without that you have no way of doing anything. Your cannot “buy or sell” so to speak per the predictions in Revelations. When people understand what is going on they can easily unite but while they are confused they can easily be seduced into fighting on the wrong side.

  4. The mark of the beast is triggered by something you think or something you do (headhand). It is a flag on your digital identity. Consider it like a grading on a piece of meat or a fruit. Sorry but it’s the easiest way to explain it. It shows you have corrupted your conscience to be compliant with the corrupt new world DIS order and it signifies the quality of your essence, or lack of. At the start of all this, the slave empire that has been on our trail since 1688, failing over and over to recapture the livestock that broke free, tried to control it and knew it was coming. That is why they control most of the colleges openly in the US. Yes, we are livestock to them. Few really know the backdrop but they play along. A crop of essence that the so called “gods” consume for their longevity like that movie Jupiter Ascending could be close to the storyline except they don’t harvest everyone. My position is that quality beats quantity. The people who were left in charge got drunk on power and made a horrific mess. The oversight team was overthrown as well. Their job was to farm a high quality spiritually pure crop with the goal of creating more advanced pure product and future seed for the next planting before ploughing over the “field” or garden on earth, so to speak. They went nuts on power and lost the plot. They have a large crop (2.2B) but, it’s very low quality. Same with their other main competitor in the East. My suggestion is that highly spirited people are worth low spirited people 1,000 to 1. Sorry but comparing people as a crop is exactly what the bible does and over a third of humans fight to defend it so they can spare their self righteous hypocritical indignation.No, I’m not suggesting farming people as a crop is ok. I’m suggesting that if we are farmed, we are farmed free range. We can worry about not being farmed at all, later. Right now, this AI is a combo of free will shackles and a combine harvester of human spirit. Think of it as Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still except it’s not killing everyone. It’s able to use satellites to discipline or even fry people based on their thoughts, words and actions. 5G can be fatal. It was promoted as a new policing system. Problem is, a lot of corrupt people seeded the databases with corrupt data to ensure the good guys do not control the system and target the creeps and to discredit those who would disclose the epic failures of those entrusted to manage the system who abused it instead. See. Well that is actually predicted in revelations. As the harvest progresses, they also are selecting “seed” for future plantings, so to speak., as if we are a garden at the end of the season….and that seed is what they talk about when they say they are saved. It sells well doesn’t it. Anyway, once you are marked on your digital identity for things you have chosen to align to in your corrupt beliefs or things you have done, you are sorted. Then comes Revelations 14:20 where the liars, hypocrites, cowards and pervs go into a human wine press. Go read it. I’m not kidding. It’s a product stamp. Also, there are those who won’t even make it into a wine press. They are too corrupt, blighted. They go into the fire like weeds and diseased plants in a vegetable garden. They are burned. That’s where all the burning hellfire crap in religion comes from. It’s basically a permanent disposal of your DNA.

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